Layout of the port

схема порта Певек
Corrugated metal warehouse 1535м2
Administrative building
Household and administrative rooms 293,7м2
The number of beds is specified taking into account organizing 4 locker rooms for workers on each floor According to SanPiN (Sanitary Norms and Rules), the following should be organized:
1st floor - 31 beds
2nd floor - 40 beds
3rd floor - 42 beds
4th floor - 44 beds
5th floor - 44 beds
Repair boxes
Equipment parking and repair box 210,4м2.
Warm warehouse (energy management shop, large machine shop) 493,4м2
Berth №3
On the left, Ganz crane – load capacity 5./6. In the center, the Albatross crane has a load capacity of 10./20. On the right, the Sokol crane has a load capacity of 16./32. The embankment is a Bolverk–type wall made of Larsen sheet pile 5. The wall is anchored with steel anchor rods with a diameter of 75-85 mm behind the anchor wall made of Larsen sheet piles 5. The covering of the pier is concrete.
Berth №2
Two cranes: AHJ on the left, Stork on the right. Carrying capacity of the Stork 18./40. Carrying capacity AHJ 25./40. Embankment – wall type "Bolverk" of sheet piling Larsen 5UM. The wall is anchored with steel anchor rods with a diameter of 80; 90 mm for an anchor wall made of sheet piles larsen 5UM. The covering of the pier is concrete.
Berth №1
Two Falcon cranes. The carrying capacity of each is 16./32. The embankment is a Bolverk–type wall made of Larsen 5UM sheet pile. The wall is anchored with steel anchor rods with a diameter of 50;90 mm for an anchor wall made of sheet piles larsen 5UM. The covering of the pier is concrete.
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